This is a web site of Promotion Centre for Folk Music and Folk Dance (KEK). The association operates in Finland. Their aim is to promote and support folk music and folk dance as well as instrument building, costume traditions and other practices linked to these, including both enthusiast and professionals. Their activities embrace majority culture as well as older minorities, so-called New Finns and their respective traditions. The Promotion Centre also arranges the Eläköön Folk! gala event for the whole field, coordinates a yearly common theme (the theme for 2024 is “Make it up”) and gives out prizes like the Wäinö Award or Folk Music Record of the Year. The Promotion Centre is active in the whole country and is also the representative of CIOFF in Finland.
The web site contains current information such as news and an event calendar. Different organisations and persons involved with the field can present them selves with profile pages providing more information about them and contact information. The web site also administrates a list of publications in the fields as well as video content (including everything from separate videos to streamed events). The main part of the content is available in Finnish only, but the users have the opportunity to upload information in both Finnish, Swedish and English. You can also search for information in a specific language.
For more information email: toiminnanjohtaja ( @ )
The board 2024
Chairman of the board
Matti Hakamäki, Kaustinen
Members of the board
Riitta Korhonen, Espoo/Rauma
Milla Korja, Oulu
Emmi Kuittinen, Helsinki
Anna Lumikivi, Ivalo
Annika Lyytikäinen, Helsinki
Rami Meling, Porvoo
Satu Kaisa Nahkola, Outokumpu
Teija Nikkari, Tampere
Niklas Nyqvist, Vaasa
Tony Wallius, Helsinki
Deputy members of the board
Mammu Koskelo, Rääkkylä
Petra Käppi, Tampere
Members of the Promotion Centre for Folk Music and Folk Dance
Finlands Svenska Folkdansring
SLS/Finlands svenska folkmusikinstitut
Finlands Svenska Spelmansförbund
Föreningen Brage i Helsingfors
Karjalainen Nuorisoliitto
Maailman Musiikin Keskus – Global Music Centre
Pro Kaustinen
Rahvaanmusiikin kerho
Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät
Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura
Suomen etnomusikologinen seura – SES
Suomen Kansanmusiikkiliitto
Suomen Kansantanssi-instituutin puolesta ry
Suomen Nuorisoseurat
Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemian Kansanmusiikin aineryhmä